Thursday, October 30, 2008

What a Square!

On the way to preschool this morning Cole was kicking Jonah's legs in the back seat. I am trying really hard to not yell at them so much so I turned down the radio and said, "Cole, please stop kicking your brother."
Of course, he continued.

"Cole, Mommy said to stop kicking your brother and I am not asking. If you choose to disobey, you will be disciplined for your disobedience."

He proceeds to tell me all of the reasons he deems it necessary to kick Jonah's feet. Appealing to the "4 year old oldest brother wanting to please Mommy" mentality I said, "It gives Mommy a sad heart when you are mean to your brothers."

"Mommy, I don't have a heart."


"I have a square."

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh No

As treats, the boys get to choose a dum dum sucker out of the bag. Today we only had 3 left and 2 of them were the same flavor. It was Jonah's turn to choose first, so he chose the different one. Cole and Judah got the leftovers. Cole said, "What flavor is this, Mama?"


"Great (with a sarcastic tone). I get butt-scotch."

I reminded him that at least he got a sucker; and then, yes, I corrected him. :)

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Holy No TV!!!

We don't watch regular TV in the Jeffcoat House. If you turn on our huge 61 inch TV, there isn't even local channels playing. We use it for movies we get from Nextflix and video games. Therefore, I find it absolutely hysterical that my boys are completely enamored with superheroes. Neither of them have seen either Batman or Spider-Man; yet, this is how they like to play. Oh, and the primary purpose of the trampoline- as I have been informed- is to "Fly, Mama, we have to fly."

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Back in Action!

We have definitely been a little busy in this Jeffcoat house over the last few months! I am beginning to feel like I am getting my faculties together after having Olivia. It has not been as a difficult transition as our last couple of births, but it has certainly seemed to add a lot of extra work. Dressing, feeding, keeping clean after dressed, and getting out the door with 4 children has definitely required some extra planning. Many things have fallen by the wayside; blogging is one. Sigh.
However, I think we are getting back on schedule. Stay tuned...

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