Tuesday, August 19, 2008

All Clean

Cole had his first trip to the dentist recently (Yes, I said "first"- bad mom!). He has no cavities and I really can't believe it with all of the sweets he enjoys. This is a picture of the hygienist going over all of the tools she uses so he knows what is going on. He did great! I was really proud of the way he listened to her and the dentist and didn't pitch a fit when she started cleaning and poking around in his mouth. I would have taken more pictures, but I felt like the dorky mom snapping the one pic I did take and I didn't want to embarrass him.

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The LaBouffs said...

I must be a bad mom, too....we've not gone to the dentist either! Shoot! It's been a year since I've gone and then before that it was several years! We're just not big dentist fans here!

Melissa W. said...

way to go Cole!!

Buffie said...

I'm jealous...Mac had 2 cavities, but wasn't that first visit fun?? Way to go Cole!