Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Holy No TV!!!

We don't watch regular TV in the Jeffcoat House. If you turn on our huge 61 inch TV, there isn't even local channels playing. We use it for movies we get from Nextflix and video games. Therefore, I find it absolutely hysterical that my boys are completely enamored with superheroes. Neither of them have seen either Batman or Spider-Man; yet, this is how they like to play. Oh, and the primary purpose of the trampoline- as I have been informed- is to "Fly, Mama, we have to fly."

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Hillary said...

That's awesome!! I was just learning in class last night that preschool boys focus a lot on superheroes when they play. Here's a real life example!!

The LaBouffs said...

How cute is that?! We don't watch much tv either...we do netflix and watch LOTS of Veggie Tales..over and over and over.

LeslieW. said...

love it!

April Emery said...

oh how i have missed your posts! glad to have you "back." i am eager to read about the daily grind at your house ... it looks so fun! how are YOU doing?

The Tylers said...

I love this post because it is so true. Thomas knows all about Spiderman and characters like that which we know he has never watched. They are going to be such great protective big brothers.