Wednesday, October 17, 2007

New Brother, Please

Judah is most definitely becoming his own person. I didn't think it was possible, but he has more energy and spunk than either Cole or Jonah. He also is much more feisty. Judah most certainly can hold his own in the Jeffcoat House and occasionally picks his own fights; but being only 13 months, there is only so much discipline we can practice. His oldest brother is NOT impressed.
Cole was cooking with his Mimi and said, "I think we'll sell Judah, Mimi."
My mom was caught a little off guard and replied, "Why would we do that, Cole?"
"I'm ready for a new baby and he pinches and scratches me a lot. I think we need a baby that doesn't do all of that. So, we'll sell him and get a new one."

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Dena said...

Hahahahah- that's funny! If only it were that easy cole! Turn about is fair play brother - i can't wait til Judah can talk! that's gonna be some good stuff!

Susie said...

That is classic! You have to find that book about Sister for Sale (same concept) for Cole. Too cute! We miss those wild boys:)

LeslieW. said...

LOL, that is priceless. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!Can't wait to give you a big birthday hug!

Merrie said...

Too cute! That Cole is too smart! You can see he knows the way things work! Sell and get a new one...

The LaBouffs said...

ha ha ha! I'm laughing OUT LOUD! That's awesome...Cole, he's no fool! He knows what's going on...ha haha

Laura said...

Sugar, that is awesome. Hilarious.

LeslieW. said...

I think it's time for something new...I have sent you some pictures you know.

The Birds Nest said...

It's a good thing that Cole hasn't discovered Ebay or Craig's List:)