Friday, November 14, 2008

A Thespian, A Not So Much, An Eater, and a Cheerleader

Cole and Jonah had their Fall Concert a few weeks ago at preschool. Cole was SO into it. He really enjoyed being on stage, singing the songs and of course, the applause afterwards. But Jonah, not so much. He refused to even go up on stage. He sat on his best bud's mom's lap during the show. Judah ate pretzels during the whole time (even though we had eaten dinner beforehand) and Livi was there to cheer everyone on but really, she just wanted to sleep.

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Hillary said...

That is so cool! It reminds me to slow down and ENJOY this time of having little kids.

I love "Livi." That is so cute!

LeslieW. said...
