13 Things About Me You May Not Know
1- I rebelled in college by getting an icthus tattoo
2- My college major was Bible and my minor was Youth Ministry (We did party hard at the Bible school- LOL!)
3- I am an introvert (YES I AM!)
4- I don't consider myself lazy, but I could sit on the couch ALL day and watch TV
5- I wanted to teach elementary school overseas
6- There was a time when I had more shoes than outfits to go with them (Then came marriage).
7- I ran track in high school (No, really I did!)
8- My favorite color is purple and my favorite flower is a daisy
9- I don’t like to listen to a soprano sing
10- I feel discombobulated when my car is messy (Which is all of the time these days!)
11- I have very dry skin but normal to oily face- what’s up with that?!
12- My favorite disciple is John, the Beloved
13- I am afraid of heights- Like I don’t even like going across the bridge!