Monday, April 21, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

This week's menu is short and sweet. We have a lot going on with Cole's birthday and me working in the boys' room getting it ready to house all 3 of them- can you say "triple bunk beds!" I'll post pictures of the room when it's all done. Hopefully soon so I can start working on the nursery.

Smorgasboard of left overs from previous week

Lemon baked chicken; Fresh green beans; dinner rolls

Grilled steak; sweet potatoes; Caesar salad

Chuck E. Cheese for Cole's birthday

Homemade vegetable soup (in the crockpot, of course); corn bread

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The LaBouffs said...

What?! No pizza on Friday?!?!?! ....and I'm coming over on Wednesday for the steak and potatoes! Yum-E :)

P.S. Happy B'day Cole!

Jeffcoat House said...

We'll be eating pizza Thursday at good ole' Chuck's place. :)

Hillary said...

Can I come over and eat? That menu sounds good! Right now I have an aversion to cooking. Nothing sounds good, and I'm exhausted. I don't know how you do it!